VIth International Seminar

„Roman maritime law”

6th International Seminar

„Roman maritime law”


Department of Roman Law

Chair of Civil Law

Faculty of Law and Administration

University of Gdańsk

Paulus libro secundo sententiarum. Lege Rhodia cavetur, ut si levandae navis gratia iactus mercium factus est, omnium contributione sarciatur quod pro omnibus datum est. „ Paulus in second book of Sentences. It is provided by the Rhodian Law that where merchandise is thrown overboard for the purpose of lightening a ship, what has been lost for the benefit of all must be made up by the contribution of all.”

Digesta Iustiniani 14.2.1

Department of Roman Law at the University of Gdansk is pleased to invite you to take part in the 6th International Seminar „Roman Maritime Law”, devoted to various aspects of Roman law of the sea and of the maritime activity of the Romans. The meeting will be attended by researchers who explored these issues in their research. It is intended to provide an opportunity to discuss issues of relevance to historical and legal research, but important for the present. A seminar is an accompanying event to the XII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Prawa Morskiego „Prawo nowych technologii w gospodarce morskiej” (National Sea Conference – New technologies law in maritime economy), Gdańsk 18.04.2024, (


Seminar Program

University of Gdańsk, Law and Administration Faculty, Jana Bażyńskiego street 6, Gdańsk

online – MS Teams

Link to the MS Teams platform



Welcome and Opening Speeches

Małgorzta Balwicka-Szczyrba, Associate Professor, Vice-Dean of  Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Gdańsk

Dorota Pyć, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Maritime Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Gdańsk

Jacek Wiewiorowski, Associate Professor, Head of Roman Law Department, Chair of Civil Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Gdańsk


What do they have in common swine carried off by wolves and res ex naufragio?

Zuzanna Benincasa, Associate Professor, University of Warsaw


What was the actio oneris aversi?

Peter Candy, Assistant Professor, University of Cambridge


When courts were fighting for jurisdiction: a case of the English Court of Admiralty

Łukasz MarzecAssistant Professor, Jagiellonian University




Greek and Roman customs declarations? Observations on the difference in the professio procedures

Lyuba Radulova, Assistant Professor, Sofia University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”


Maritime risks in loans for use.

Anna Tarwacka, Professor, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw


‘Mare Tharsium’ and the Dating of the Notitia Dignitatum

Jacek Wiewiorowski, Associate Professor, University of Gdańsk




Closing speech

Jacek Wiewiorowski, Associate Professor, University of Gdańsk